The purpose of collecting business profile information is to:

  1. Report and gather statistics related to the child care industry such as supply and demand. This data influences planning, policy development, and funding levels. Statistical information, may be shared with the ND Department of Human Services; county social services; and others;
  2. Provide referrals to families searching for child care. The information given to families searching for care may include, but is not limited to, the following; vacancies, hours and days of operation, ages of children served, rates, environment, training, and program policies. This may be done through mail, email, phone, internet search or other means;
  3.  Inform training and technical assistance staff regarding your program needs;
  4. Keep your data current so we can keep you connected. Child Care Aware®of ND wants to keep you informed in the most efficient, convenient and cost-effective manner possible. Child Care Aware®of ND will carefully consider our correspondence to you without overburdening your mailbox or inbox. Typical email correspondence could include a monthly newsletter and a monthly update reminder;
  5. Response to requests. Some of the information you provide is considered public record. We are required by law to release certain data if requested.

This notice covers all information previously collected and future changes made by any means such as by telephone, electronically, in person, or in written form.